*Reflect on the "Personal Theory of Learning" you developed in Week 1. Summarize any modifications to your personal theory of learning you have made as a result of your learning in this course. Since the beginning of this course, I still try to bring in life examples to explain the math concepts. I have not made any significant changes to my methods of teaching it since starting this course but I do have a lot of ideas for things I can still do with my studnets this year.
*Describe any immediate adjustments you will make to your instructional practice regarding technology integration as a result of your learning in this course. Identify two technology tools you would like to use with your students and how the tools will support or enhance your student's learning. I will definitely be adding more technology into my lessons this year along with the up coming years. Even though I teach math, I want to add using a WIKI, blogging, and voice threads. One project I want to do is have my students research and do a project on a famous mathematician. For this project they will use voice threads so that they can present their projects but also have a class period to comment on each others projects. The other technology that I want to integrate into my lessons would be either a blog or a WIKI. I want to have my students read a book that has a story that is geared towards math but fun to read at the same time. They then would have to write in their blog or WIKI about what they have read. It would then give classmates the opportunity to comment on their postings.
*List two long-term goal changes you would like to make to your instructional practice regarding technology integration and outline a strategy for achieving them. First goal is to integrate at least two new technological changes into my classroom instruction this year. This will allow me to introduce the material in a different way that will hopefully help the students understand better. Second goal is to continue with the technological integrations but to then try to add a couple of more technological tools every year after that. The more I can add of technology, the more student geared I can make the lessons rather than teacher geared. I feel the more the students take hold of in their education, the more likely they are willing to try harder. If they are continuously relying on the teacher, the less they are to take control of their learning and become lazy. My strategy for achieving this is to research different lessons I can do to use technology with which will more or less make me use that technology. It will actually help me enjoy teaching the subject even more and help the student enjoy math even more.