Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spotlight on Emerging Technology: Online Learning in K-12

Here is the link to my voice thread on CMS.

If you have any problems viewing this please let me know. I welcome any comments or questions. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Reflection Week 8

  • Describe any immediate adjustments you will make to your instructional practice regarding the use of technology integration to customize instruction as a result of your learning from this course.
Using UDL or DI in my classroom will help my special education and ELL students along with the rest of the class. The immediate adjustments that I can make will make a difference in the classroom hopefully right away. I can make adjustments by having calculators, manipulatives, and a couple of classroom computers available to my students.

My students with learning disabilities will benefit immediately by the usage of calculators and manipulatives in the classroom. It will help the students overcome the barriers that are holding them back.

My autistic students will benefit immediately by allowing them to use my classroom computers to express themselves along with the calculators and manipulatives to do the math that is required of them.

As for my gifted and talented students, my immediate changes will allow them to excel in the subject matter.

As for any other changes, they will not be immediate. I would want to implement some computer programs and Internet options (blogging, WIKI, etc). The school would need time to obtain if possible the programs needed and also to give me permission to use the internet options.

I look forward to implementing UDL/DI into my classroom to help provide my students with an even better opportunity to learn in my class.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reflection: Final Blog Posting

As I look back at the postings I have written about this lesson plan and the comments I have gotten, I have found many things I can do with this plan and many things I can change.

Reflect on the GAME plan you developed and followed throughout the course.
I feel the GAME plan helped me in so many ways. By learning how to use the GAME plan, I feel that it has helped me understand how to improve upon my lessons I create. It also helps me make sure that I am teaching my students all that I can about my subject area and at the same time giving them the opportunity to teach one another.

Summarize any new learning that resulted from your following your GAME plan and explain what impact your new learning will have on your instructional practice.
As stated above, I have learned how to create better lessons that will help my students learn and grow in the subject matter. The impact it has made on me is I am starting to allow my students to become the creators of the lessons that they learn in class rather than me standing in front of them just lecturing the material.

Describe any immediate adjustments you will make to your instructional practice regarding technology integration in your content area(s) as a result of your learning from this course.
As I worked through this class, I have been exposed to many different technological concepts that I can use with my students. Every time we learned a new concept with technology, I had many ideas running through my head waiting for the opportunity to try them with my students. I can see myself trying to integrate more technology into my lessons in the future.

I am learning so much with the courses I have taken so far in my masters. I am excited to try the new things with my students and they are excited when I change things up in class.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

This final piece of the GAME plan is to write about my thoughts and ideas on how I will use the GAME plan process with my students to help them develop proficiency in the technology standards and indicators outline in the NETS-S.

1. Creativity and Innovation:
To help my students become proficient in this standard, I would have to allow them to express themselves in their work. The work they produce would have to reflect them and what they understand in the material. Telling them what to do is not letting them be creative on their own so therefore, they will have to fulfill the assignment with myself only being a "guide".

2. Communication and Collaboration:
This standard to me would be an important one for my students to become proficient in. They need to understand how important it is to be able to work with others and communicate with them. This would be accomplished by them working together on group projects in the class. If I am able to create more group activities, it will only reinforce this standard.

3. Research and Information Fluency:
This standard needs to meet proficiency so that when a student does their research, they are finding accurate information. There is a lot of material available that is not accurate. Students need to be taught how to recognize material that has not be falsified. I would teach my students how to locate accurate material by using the ABCDE method to research. Since I have learned this method, it has helped me recognize what is accurate and what is not. I feel by continued use with my students, it will help them become proficient in research and information fluency.

4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making:
This standard it important to me from a math basis. If my students are not able to do any critical thinking or problem solving on their own, then I have not done my job. My goal is to continuously work with my students by allowing them to think more independently for themselves to be able to the critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making without always relying on me to be there. The stronger I can make them in this standard, the more independent they will become. So by repeated use of this, it will accomplish this standard.

5. Digital Citizenship:
As for technology, I love working with technology and I want my students to see that passion so that they will hopefully find that they love working with it also. If I continue to add material that incorporates some digital or technology base to it, they will become more proficient in this standard.

6. Technology Operations and Concepts:
Again, the more I am able to incorporate into my lessons with technology, the more they will understand the operations of the different technological items and understand the concepts associated with them.

Every year when I get a new group of students, my hope is that I help them become more proficient in the NETS-S Standards. If this is so, then I have done my job.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Revising your GAME Plan

It is always a positive thing when you can take your lesson and with either your own revising or revising from the help of colleagues to make it a better and stronger lesson.

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
By following a GAME plan, I have learned how to make my lessons stronger and have more meaning for my students. By following the GAME plan, I am able to strengthen the lessons so that my students are gaining more information from the material.

What goals are you still working towards?
One goal I am still working towards is trying to allow the students to think more for themselves. I am always anxious to jump in at the first sight of struggle to help them figure it out. I need to learn to step back and become more of the facilitator in many of my lessons.

Based on NETS-T, what new learning goals will you set for yourself?
The one I want to set as a goal would be 1b: engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. Exposing my students to real-world issues in math only helps reinforce the ideas and materials. If they can see the impact of a particular concept, it is more likely to leave an impression on them than just sitting with a book and paper to do the problem.

If you are not ready to set new learning goals, how will you extend what you have learned so far?
If my students are not accomplishing what I need them to do so that they can continue learning, I will not be able to set new learning goals. I would have those students spend a little extra time on the project at had so that they can understand what it is they are to be doing. I can not see pushing them on if they are not understanding the material.

What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?
The approaches I would take to improve my learning is to make sure the students understand what I expect of them. I want them to get the most that they can get out of the material being presented to them. If they are not understanding the material, I can not really go on because they will be lost the rest of the way in their math career.

By using a GAME plan, I have learned ways to increase my lessons so that they are effective in teaching my students what I need them to learn.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

Working on a project using a GAME plan has helped me make the project more understanding for the students and at the same time keeps them engaged in what they are doing. Having them create short lessons on the Chapters they are assigned to present to the class as a review of the quarter's material has opened their eyes to what happens on the other side. They are realizing a little what it is like to be the teacher and not the student.

*How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?
By using the GAME plan and creating the lesson, it has helped me focus more on how it needs to be created with the students interest in mind. It has helped me narrow it down to the important information they need to present so that they are not picking information that will not be needed.

*What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
I have learned that there is more than one way to do things. I am use to being the lecturer. I want to give my students the opportunity to take charge and I can just be a facilitator.

*What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
What I still have to learn is to let the students think for themselves. I have found that the more information I give them, the more dependent they are on me. If I allow them to research information on their own, they become more dependent on their own research and learning skills. The question that has arisen is, How do I let go of the "control" and allow them to be independent in some of the work. It is hard to do seeing I have always taught in the way where I give the information and they just store it in their memory. I want them to take control of their learning a little more and at the same time, I am learning how to let them do that.

*How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?
I will a little at a time find information that the students are able to find on their own and understand with little or no help from me. This would be a good start for them to use that higher-level learning.

I believe if I make some of these changes in my lessons, the students will become more engaged in the learning process and not sit there board listening to me talk all the time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monitoring Your GAME Plan Progress

I have given my GAME plan for my project of having my students present material from the chapters we have learned in the current quarter to review with their classmates before taking the quarter assessment exam a lot of thought.

*Are you finding the information and resources you need?
All the resources for the material are in our textbook. The students in their groups would have to take the chapter they were assigned and find the most important information they need to go over. I would give each student of the review of the exam so that they can see what types of questions would be asked in their particular chapter. As for the technology aspect, I have been talking to our tech guy and he is making sure that the programs that I need are installed on the computers in our building and they are all working properly.

*Do you need to modify your action plan?
I do not think I need to modify anything at this time. As mentioned above, the review of the quarter assessment test should narrow things down for each group of students so that they know exactly what material out of their chapter they need to cover.

*What have you learned so far?
I have learned that I need to make sure that the students know exactly what they need to cover. If they are not guided on this, they may not cover all the necessary information their classmates need. This way they are not wasting time with unnecessary material.
I have also learned that when creating a project, I really need to think through the project step by step to make sure that it runs smoothly, the students understand what I expect, and all needed items are available to me.

*What new questions have arisen?
I have been playing with the option of narrowing down the different formats that they can present their material in. We will under a time constraint for this and if they decided to do a method they think is interesting, it may not be one for the class and they will loose the interest of their classmates. This would cause them to not understand the material and not do well on that portion of the exam.

I like to fit in projects whenever I am able to, but I just have to remember to explore all aspect of it. I think learning the method of using a GAME plan will help me in any future projects I may try to create.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Carrying Out Your GAME Plan

My students will be working on presenting as groups, a chapters worth of material to the class before a quarter assessment to review. They will be responsible of developing their lessons using any format they feel would get the information across to their classmates. To carry out my GAME plan, I need to make sure that the following questions are answered.

What Resources will you need to carry out your plan (video, reading, experts, or colleagues, etc.?)
The resources I will need to carry out my plan include the textbook for starters. If my students are going to be expected to present material from a particular chapter in the book, they will need to read it and go through the examples. From there, depending on what format they would like to present it in for the class to learn, they will need to have access to computers, white board, and any math manipulatives that they feel they need. They can decided to present it by writing out the information on the white board for their classmates to write down. They can also present it using technology in the means of creating a flip chart to use on the Promeathan Board, Powerpoint, etc.

What additional information do you need?

The additional information I will need is to make sure they students are given what they are covering with their group for the other students to learn. I will also have to make sure that they have the needed equipment to present the material. I am going to meet with each group to get an idea of what process they are going with to make sure that I can have everything they need. I can also fit into my lessons maybe one day a week, a short lesson on how to use some of the available software at the school so that they students are aware of them and feel more comfortable using them.

What steps have you been able to take so far?

The only steps I have taken so far is to note what we have covered so far in this current quarter. This will help me decided how many groups there will be with how many students in each. I will not be able to gather any technology equipment as of yet until we have come close to finishing the quarter so that I can schedule the lab if we need it. I can at this point alert the computer tech that we will be coming towards the end of the quarter to work on a project so that she is aware of this.

If I am able to accomplish these items now, it will make the transition into the project a bit smoother.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Developing Your Personal GAME Plan Application 2

My GAME plan using the NETS-T are to look at Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity and Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning. By improving on these two, I can teach my students the material using different means.

My GOAL is to increase my knowledge in the different technologies available to me so that I can support the students in using them. I also want to engage them in the activities so that they gain a better understanding of the material. I want to be able to collaborate with my students while using the technology so that we can learn from one another to increase our knowledge together.

My ACTIONS are to use the different technology in my lesson plans when able to. This will give me a different way to teach the lessons along with a different way for the students to learn it. I will work into the lessons how to use the technology so that the students get the most from it.

My MONITORING will come into play when I watch, help, and support the students when using the technology. I will also monitor them when prompting them to try different aspects of the programs to increase their knowledge of the subject matter.

My EVALUATION will happen when I am watching and helping them through the process of using the technology. I will also be evaluating the students use of the technology when they present the project to the class and turn in their copy to me to evaluate. Evaluation will also come into play when I know if the students actually understood the material and the use of the technology to create it.

My hopes in improving on these two standards from the NETS-T is to help my students gain a better understanding of the material and have fun with it at the same time. I am sure I can do some improvement using all five standards, but these two were the ones that I thought I could improve upon the most.