Thursday, May 6, 2010

Using Technology in the classroom

Hello everyone! I am a 7th grade math teacher who teaches one session of pre-algebra and three sessions of general math every day. The school I currently work in is in Wisconsin. It has been listed as a Title One school. My school is just starting to get better technology in the school. When I started there 3 years ago, I was using the blackboard and powerpoint presentations to present my lessons. As of last January, I have gotten a promethean board, white board and a document reader. Recently they were able to get a document reader in every classroom and a promethean board in half the classrooms. I am just afraid that once they get a promethean board in every classroom like they want to, the older boards will be out dated and they will have to update them all or start with more up to date technology. I want to be able to bring the best lessons to my students using the most up to date technology. If any of you readers are in a classroom teaching and have more up to date technology than this, I would love to hear about it and how you are using it.


  1. Great start on your blog. You will probably find the promethean board quite useful for teaching math!

  2. I am finding the more I use the board, the more the students are wanting to come up and answer questions. I also find out the more I learn, the more excited I get to use the board and share my new findings with my students.
